Sometimes this doesn't show up on initial attachment of the card reader, so you have to reseat the card. If everything's working, you should see be able to see a Telia IAS-EEC v1 keychain in the sidebar of Keychain Access.Chrome doesn't use the Net iD UI, so you may have to click an extra link to force login even though the plugin isn't detected. The installed Net iD app in /Applicatons/Utilities should now show your card and sign-in should work in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. Note: Starting with the Octorelease of the installer for macOS El Capitan v10.11, we will be signing the installers and TokenD bundles for integrity.If you installed NSS, edit install_pkcs11.sh and fix the MODUTIL path on line 4 to read MODUTIL=/usr/local/opt/nss/bin/modutil.Go find the installation scripts: cd net_id_setup.app/Contents/Resources/setup.Rename the installer to something without spaces in it, like net_id_setup.app (sigh).This probably isn't necessary if you don't care about Firefox, but its UI and tools around this stuff seem a bit more transparent than the system-level keychain stuff that Safari uses. Install Mozilla's NSS tools using Homebrew: brew install nss.

Opening the installer gets you a nice blank window. You can download the Net iD software directly from.Telia's Net iD site blocks newer "unsupported" browsers, either download Firefox 42 or set your user agent to something in their supported browser list.I did this early in my troublehooting process and haven't yet tested things with it enabled. This may require disabling El Capitan's System Integrity Protection. Generating a CSR on Mac OS X Server/Yosemite/El Capitan Choose This Mac - YourServerName to generate the CSR code on the same server. A few notes on what I did to get Telia's outdated e-ID software working on the most recent Mac OS using a Gemalto ID Bridge CT30 card reader.